Semantic Web

The Semantic Web, Or the Giant Global Graph

Imagine if the web was not only readable, understandable, and actionable by humans but also machines. This is the Semantic Web (or the Giant Global Graph).

Semantic Web Resources


Wikidata: Semantic Web Stack

Wikipedia: Giant Global Graph

Wikipedia: Linked Data

Wikipedia: Linked Open Data

Wikipedia: URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)

Visualizing the Semantic Web

RDF is a data model that represents information as a graph. It is a simple way to model data that is both human and machine readable. RDF is a W3C standard.

RDF Example via Wikimedia Commons

Semantic technology

To enable this web of understanding and interoperability, we need some way of encoding and decoding data relationships, ontology, and meaning. This is where semantic technology comes in. To answer the question of "how do we encode meaning?", we can look to the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL).

These are standards that allow us to formally represent the meaning involved in information. For example, ontology can describe concepts, relationships between things, and categories of things. These embedded semantics with the data offer significant advantages such as reasoning over data and dealing with heterogeneous data sources.

Consequences and the next frontier


  • A web of data that both humans and machines can use to perceive, understand, and act on the world at scale. By design and by default, not by construction of individual APIs and services.
  • Multimodal embeddings as your data model, integrated into an agreed upon standard for interoperability and understanding.
  • A powerful framework for alignment where the data is the interface, and the interface is the data: a table that provides a seat for everyone at the table, regardless of intelligence, or ability. A united nations of intelligence.