Back to CompendiumAn in-depth exploration of philosophical traditions, key arguments, and contemporary discourse across major schools of thought.
Major Philosophical Traditions
Ancient Philosophy
- Thales: Water as the fundamental substance
- Heraclitus: Flux and the Logos
- Parmenides: The unchanging One
- Democritus: Atomic theory
Classical Greek
- Socrates: Ethical inquiry and the Socratic method
- Plato: Theory of Forms, immortality of the soul
- Aristotle: Logic, metaphysics, virtue ethics
- The Sophists: Relativism and rhetoric
Hellenistic Schools
- Epicureanism: Atomic materialism, pleasure ethics
- Stoicism: Logic, physics, and ethics of virtue
- Skepticism: Suspension of judgment
- Cynicism: Virtue through asceticism
Eastern Philosophy
- Buddhism: Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path
- Taoism: The Tao, Wu Wei, harmony with nature
- Confucianism: Social harmony, virtue ethics
- Vedanta: Brahman, Atman, Maya
Medieval Philosophy
Christian Philosophy
- Augustine: Time, evil, divine illumination
- Aquinas: Natural law, five ways
- Anselm: Ontological argument
- Boethius: Free will and divine foreknowledge
Islamic Philosophy
- Al-Farabi: Neo-Platonism and political philosophy
- Avicenna: Essence-existence distinction
- Averroes: Harmony of religion and philosophy
- Al-Ghazali: Critique of causation
Jewish Philosophy
- Maimonides: Negative theology
- Gersonides: Divine providence
- Saadia Gaon: Faith and reason
Modern Philosophy
- Descartes: Cogito, mind-body dualism
- Spinoza: Substance monism, geometric method
- Leibniz: Monadology, pre-established harmony
- Malebranche: Occasionalism
- Locke: Primary/secondary qualities, tabula rasa
- Berkeley: Subjective idealism
- Hume: Causation, induction, moral sentiment
- Reid: Common sense philosophy
German Idealism
- Kant: Transcendental idealism, categorical imperative
- Hegel: Dialectics, absolute idealism
- Schelling: Nature philosophy
- Fichte: Science of knowledge
- Kierkegaard: Subjective truth, stages of life
- Nietzsche: Will to power, eternal return
- Sartre: Radical freedom, being-in-itself/for-itself
- Camus: Absurdism, revolt
Key Philosophical Problems
The Nature of Knowledge
- JTB theory and Gettier problems
- Foundationalism vs. coherentism
- Internalism vs. externalism
- A priori vs. a posteriori knowledge
- External world skepticism
- Other minds problem
- Dream argument
- Brain in a vat scenarios
Truth Theories
- Correspondence theory
- Coherence theory
- Pragmatic theory
- Deflationary theories
- Problem of universals
- Abstract objects
- Possible worlds
- Identity through time
Mind and Consciousness
- Hard problem of consciousness
- Chinese room argument
- Philosophical zombies
- Multiple realizability
Free Will
- Compatibilism vs. incompatibilism
- Determinism and moral responsibility
- Frankfurt cases
- Libertarian free will
Normative Ethics
- Virtue ethics: Character-based approach
- Deontology: Duty-based ethics
- Consequentialism: Outcome-based ethics
- Care ethics: Relationship-based ethics
- Moral realism vs. anti-realism
- Cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism
- Error theory
- Moral relativism vs. absolutism
Applied Ethics
- Bioethics: Enhancement, genetic engineering
- Environmental ethics: Animal rights, future generations
- Business ethics: Corporate responsibility
- AI ethics: Machine consciousness, algorithmic bias
Contemporary Debates
Philosophy of Mind
Political Philosophy
Justice and Rights
- Distributive justice
- Human rights
- Global justice
- Intergenerational justice
Democracy and Authority
- Legitimacy of power
- Democratic theory
- Civil disobedience
- Global governance
Philosophy of Science
Scientific Realism
- No-miracles argument
- Pessimistic meta-induction
- Structural realism
- Empirical adequacy
Causation and Laws
- Counterfactual theories
- Probabilistic causation
- Mechanisms
- Ceteris paribus laws
Key Works and Arguments
Classical Texts
Modern Classics
Kant's Critiques
- Transcendental deduction
- Categories of understanding
- Categorical imperative
- Kingdom of ends
Mill's Utilitarianism
- Greatest happiness principle
- Quality of pleasures
- Proof of utility
- Liberty principle
Contemporary Works
Academic Resources
Primary Sources
Ancient Texts
- Plato's Complete Works (Cooper edition)
- Aristotle's Complete Works (Barnes edition)
- Hellenistic Philosophy (Long & Sedley)
- Classical Chinese Philosophy (Chan)
Modern Classics
- Descartes's Meditations
- Kant's Critiques
- Hegel's Phenomenology
- Nietzsche's Complete Works
Study Methods
Reading Philosophy
- Argument reconstruction
- Conceptual analysis
- Historical context
- Comparative analysis
Writing Philosophy
- Thesis development
- Argument structure
- Counter-arguments
- Style guidelines
Career Development
Academic Philosophy
- Graduate programs
- Research specializations
- Teaching positions
- Publication strategies
Applied Philosophy
- Ethics consulting
- Policy analysis
- Public philosophy
- Technology ethics
Communities and Discussion